Home > Been awhile

Been awhile

September 17th, 2011 at 11:31 pm

I thought I would post an update since I have a second. Things here are extremely hectic. My job has been going great, and we just stopped unlimited overtime, so that was a nice start to a job. Put some money aside for future things. (After I splurged and bought a blu-ray player that I've wanted for the last two years.) So now I should get home at a decent hour and go in at a decent hour. My insurance starts in two weeks and I can't wait. Also we get to put my son on it for a quarter of what we pay now with his own policy, so that will be some nice cushion each month.
My wife didn't get the job at the hospital but she is still looking. Her job isn't getting any better. They are clearly getting ready to do a round of layoffs. they keep taking hours and duties from people. My DW keeps getting her hours messed with. One week it is 40 hours the next it is 25 hours. Hard to budget with that kind of schedule. But at least I have a job to help her out.
My son is doing well in football, his team isn't but he is. At least he doesn't want to play anymore sports after football until next year, so we get a break to breathe and save some money instead of spending it all on sports. Otherwise he likes being a freshman. It's a new experience and he's doing well.
My DW wanted a fire in the fireplace last night it got so cold, and I wasn't ready to turn the heat on yet.
Haven't heard anything about our bankruptcy, but I don't really expect to until around the end of October, that is when our 60 day period for creditors to dispute is up.
But that is about all for now. I hope everyone is having a nice weekend.

1 Responses to “Been awhile”

  1. Jerry Says:

    What a relief to have your health insurance starting up in a couple of weeks! One less thing to worry about. I hope that your DW is able to find a more reliable work situation that will lead to regular income. Good luck!

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